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Events - February 2025
The Dinosaur Team is planning a number of exciting events at the Inverloch Community Hub in February 2025, to coincide with the 2025 Field Season.

Digging up Dinosaurs
3rd Feb to 28th Feb
See artwork and photographs at the Inverloch Community Hub during February 2025
See artwork and photographs at the Inverloch Community Hub during February 2025

Women in Palaeontology
Tuesday 11 February 6:00 pm
Livestream link below!
Join host Sally Hurst, creator of the Found a Fossil Project, a Superstar of STEM, an educator at the Australian Museum and a researcher at Macquarie University.
Sally is joined by:
Professor Pat Vicker-Rich, of Monash and Swinburne Universities. Pat is the founding director of the Monash Science Centre (now PrimeSCI!), and curator of scientific exhibitions of Australian and Gondwanan biota that have travelled the world.
Dr Doris Seegets-Villiers of PrimeSCI!, who studies the Taphonomy (bone deposition) of our Bass Coast sites.
Adele Pentland, PhD candidate and host of the Pals in Palaeo podcast, who has named two Australian pterosaurs from outback Queensland.
Our final panellist is Alyssa Fjeld, who is studying ancient arthropod (bug) growth and evolution with Monash University and the University of New England. Alyssa co-hosts the Fossils and Fiction podcast.
Livestream link below!
Join host Sally Hurst, creator of the Found a Fossil Project, a Superstar of STEM, an educator at the Australian Museum and a researcher at Macquarie University.
Sally is joined by:
Professor Pat Vicker-Rich, of Monash and Swinburne Universities. Pat is the founding director of the Monash Science Centre (now PrimeSCI!), and curator of scientific exhibitions of Australian and Gondwanan biota that have travelled the world.
Dr Doris Seegets-Villiers of PrimeSCI!, who studies the Taphonomy (bone deposition) of our Bass Coast sites.
Adele Pentland, PhD candidate and host of the Pals in Palaeo podcast, who has named two Australian pterosaurs from outback Queensland.
Our final panellist is Alyssa Fjeld, who is studying ancient arthropod (bug) growth and evolution with Monash University and the University of New England. Alyssa co-hosts the Fossils and Fiction podcast.

Rock breaking
Saturday 15th February 10:00 am to 2:00 pm
Dinosaur Dreaming volunteers will be looking for fossils at the Inverloch Community Hub.
Normally we break rock on the beach or in our back yard. On Saturday 15th February, some Dinosaur Dreaming volunteers will break rock looking for fossils at the Inverloch Community Hub.
Dinosaur Dreaming volunteers will be looking for fossils at the Inverloch Community Hub.
Normally we break rock on the beach or in our back yard. On Saturday 15th February, some Dinosaur Dreaming volunteers will break rock looking for fossils at the Inverloch Community Hub.

Inverloch Primary School
Thursday 13th February.
We will be hosting Inverloch Primary School Grades 3 and 4 at the Inverloch Community Hub.
We will be hosting Inverloch Primary School Grades 3 and 4 at the Inverloch Community Hub.

Dinosaurs in your Street
Sunday 2nd February
We will invite our neighbours around for a cuppa and show off our crew and our fossils
We will invite our neighbours around for a cuppa and show off our crew and our fossils
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